Full Title: VRADARK´S SPHERE Also known as: Year of release: 2018 Publisher: Sanchez Link download : https://zxonline.net/game/vradarks-sphere/?idp=michellekg&campaign=Vradark%27sSphere Vradark’s Sphere : interesting adventures are waiting for the hero! The ancient castle where just ruins left Became a home for the greatest evil yet The Death Messiah Vradark sits on the throne His words are poison killing everyone. The dungeon used for cherishing old kings Now keeps his power deadly for the human beings. The deepest tomb hides Sphere of all spheres That prisoned power, sins and all his darkest fears. Let spirits rest in peace, save us from close death, Be brave enough to fight till your last breath! Take Sphere from this place so cold, Make Vradark useless with your heart of gold. Destroy his plan and pave the path to light, So we could see again the future very bright! ...